Tuesday, 5 February 2008

The Indian-Pacific train

And then it was time to bid farewell to Perth. I could have flown to Adelaide, I could have taken a bus for 8 days. Instead, I chose to take the Indian-Pacific train for 2 days and embark on a legendary journey through the Nullarbor Plain. On my way, I went through Kalgoorlie, which I nicknamed "ghost town # 1" and Cook, aka "ghost town # 2". During its 2600km journey, the train travelled on the longest stretch of straight railway in the world. 478km without a single curve. Exciting, I say.

But it truly was exciting, in a quiet and contemplative kind of way.

My favourite spot in the lounge.

Unplanned stop? Did we run over a kangaroo? Or did the driver come across one of his mates? The mystery remains unsolved.

The most exciting part of the second day: stopping in Cook. No one lives there, by the way.

Travellers stretching their legs under the midday sun.

Contemplation and meditation, that's what the Indian-Pacific is about. I started reading Orwell's 1984 and it is very interesting. I highly recommend it...

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