Thursday, 3 April 2008

Le trois avril

OK so this is my third message in one day. I can't help it. With free Internet at both Sydney and Singapore airports, it's too tempting. And I've got plenty of spare time before I board my second plane.

I can tell you about my afternoon in Singapore, if you don't mind.

The A380, flight SQ220, lands at about 2:20pm this afternoon. I get off, after spending 8 hours glued to the screen and to the window. I watched "Conversations avec mon jardinier" or something like that, a French film starring Daniel Auteuil and another famous actor, so famous that I forgot his name. It was nice. Then I simply listened to music, watched an episode of Flight of the Conchords, a crazy New-Zealander show, and Little Britain. Tonight, I'll probably watch the Kite Runner. I've just finished the book (I gave Gulliver a little break to get on with Hosseini's fantastic novel) so now I can compare it with the film.
So I get off the plane and book the free shuttle bus to get into town. I'm the only one on the bus and I'm accompanied by Kelly, a charming tour guide (she's about 60, just so you know). She repeats about 10 times that I have to be back at the bus stop at about 7.30pm even though pick-up time is at 7:45pm. No worries.

And so I venture into crowded Singapore. I discover Little India and the Malay quarter. However, the lovely walk ends quickly when an equatorial mix of thunder and pouring rain suddenly turns the city into a swimming pool. Since then, my feet have been making splotch splotch sounds which indicate that the smell in the plane could be quite revolting (and I don't care whether that sounds English or not). I'm not impressed by Singapore. Just another town with huge skyscrapers, like churches to celebrate the love of the Money-God. There are some charming buildings but their beauty is spoiled by those towering buildings in the background.

I find Starbucks, get myself a mocha with whipped cream and a chocolate cake. I sit on an armchair and wish I could dry. An hour or two later, my trousers and my t-shirt are dry. My socks and shoes are soaked. I'm thinking this is not nice. Oh well. Nevermind.

At 7:50pm, the bus picks me up. This time it's a coach. I'm still the only one in it though. Nice ride by night.

8.30pm. I arrive back at the airport. No queue at the checkpoint. Too easy. One stamp, a smile. And off we go to the lounge. A quick chat with the Singapore Airlines ladies and I go to Subway for a quick sandwich. Apparently we'll get some refreshments, a snack and then breakfast on the plane.

I go to the loo (interesting!) and look at myself in the mirror. Doux Jesus, my hair is so long! But I actually like it. I mean, someone has to. Long, curly hair, a la Earth Wind & Fire (dance, dance, dance, oh-oh-oh-oh, dance, boogie wonderland!).

Jetlag has turned me into an online chatterbox. I just can't stop blogging. OK maybe I should stop and get that right lens back on my eye. Somehow, it's gone under my eye-lid. It happens when I rub my eyes. C'est dur la vie.

See you in Cape Town :-).


Anonymous said...

passionnant, vraiment passionnant! On dirait de la télé réalité! Le pied!! Je sens que je vais suivre les quotidiennes avec une très grande assiduité! La question que tout le monde se pose : Ed va-t-il réitérer l'exploit d'aller aux toilettes et d'en ressortir indemne? tatata.... tatata...

The Dude said...

Ta question est bien a propos, d'autant plus qu'a Singapour on trouve toujours des toilettes turques telles que celles rencontrees en Chine. D'ou ma question, pourquoi sont-elles turques? Mais rassurez-vous, il y a aussi des toilettes "occidentales".

Et au Cap, le soleil brille ...