Saturday 22 December 2007

Monkey Mia (1)

I left Geraldton in the afternoon and arrived in Monkey Mia around 3am. It's a resort, not a town, sitting in the middle of Shark Bay. There's a hostel, holiday units, a restaurant, a bar etc... so you can pretty much live there (if you have a lot of money, for the supermarket is overpriced). The resort is more or less on the beach so even the laziest people can drag themselves to the beach without much effort. Monkey Mia is renowned for its bottle-nose dolphins, which come everyday to be fed (a tiny ration so that they still go and hunt) and thus entertain the crowds.

I haven't really found out why it's called Monkey Mia but I'm sure someone (Adrien?) will google it or look it up on Wikipedia :-). Dolphin Mia would have made more sense but nobody listens to my brilliant ideas (remember the killer poule? Still not established in Oz...).

On the way to Monkey Mia, some artistic impressions...

After the thunder...

Kangaroos on the road at 2am.

So that's the beach by the resort. There's a daily gathering of tourists who come to have a look at the dolphins. One wonders if it's not the dolphins which come to check out the humans...

And all day long, they come and go...

A magnificent beach, loads of dolphins, warm water... What more can you ask for? (Less bedbugs, actually).

Beautiful sunset over Monkey Mia... So rrrrrrromantic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Échec... Tellement de touristes sont allé à Monkey Mia, qu'Internet pullule de sites où ils racontent ce qu'ils ont vu. Du coup dur dur de trouver des sites expliquant les origines du nom... Même les sites officiels de la ville n'en parlent pas. Pffff....