Sunday 4 November 2007

Noosa Heads

Noosa is a kind of posh-meets-retired seaside resort. It's a lovely place to slow down, lie on the beach or walk in the woods. There's a superb coastal track that allows you to watch humpback whales, dolphins and koalas.

The local pelicans love to sleep or stand on lampposts.

Paysage paradisiaque (1)

Paysage paradisiaque (2)

Paysage par... Ok j'arrete.

Ca se passe de commentaires...

Mais qu'apercois-je la-haut dans l'arbre? Le voyez-vous?

Bon sang mais c'est bien sur, c'est un koala! Who's watching whom, may I ask?

Vous vous rappelez du cousin Machin dans la famille Adams? Bin j'ai retrouve le reste de la famille, dans Noosa Heads National Park...

And now, a bit of marine wildlife.

Can you spot the humpback whale?

Zooming in with basic software, this is the best I can get (Gillette!) for you: a jumping humpback whale.

And the usual dolphins...

Bye bye Noosa!

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